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Asked by Malachy on Tuesday October 25, 2016 at 17:24:2:

With the elections coming up, it shows that Donald trump and Anti-Obama and Anti-Hilary people are a lot in numbers otherwise it would have been an easy ride for Clinton. As it is, there still seems to be some doubt that Hilary will win because it appears that a lot of white Americans(mostly males) are unhappy with Obama's Presidency. Why are they angry with him?

Re: Why are white Americans angry with Obama Reply by Bayo on Tuesday October 25, 2016 at 17:24:54:

I guess it's because he's allowing China to take over American jobs and did nothing during the rise of ISIS.

Re: Why are white Americans angry with Obama Reply by Hassan on Tuesday October 25, 2016 at 17:29:38:

They just want change in Washington. It's been 8 years of Obama and they want someone different that can correct some of the mistakes of Obama's administration.

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