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Asked by Chukwuma on Friday August 14, 2015 at 10:1:54:

I've noticed that my car a/c system keels leaking gas but I don't know how. I normally top it up with R134Aa refrigerant when it no longer blows cold and after that, it starts working well again. I want to permanently stop the leakage but I want to know what causes the leakage in the first place.

Re: What causes a leakage in a vehicle air conditioning system Reply by Emem on Friday August 14, 2015 at 10:18:38:

It could be as a result of a rubber or metal leakage. Rubber leakage can be from any of the following: Hoses, o-rings and gaskets. Metal leakage can be from: evaporator, condenser, accumulator or receiver dryer. For small leaks, it can be sealed by using a refrigerant rubber filler such as R134a super seal while major leaks may just require getting a replacement part.

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